12 Mar 2025


Alps Electric Alps GlidePoint Input Driver

Company: Alps Electric
Model: Alps GlidePoint
Operating System:   (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: ld_tpw95.zip


Alps Electric Alps GlidePoint Driver.  
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 2546 01-13-99 19:41 Apwheel.dl_ 32836 01-06-99 11:21 Apoint.ex_ 7837 01-28-99 20:50 Apoint.inf 16469 01-06-99 11:29 Apoint.vx_ 11590 08-27-98 17:28 Apointcs.po_ 11230 08-27-98 17:28 Apointct.po_ 14236 08-27-98 17:29 Apointfr.po_ 14275 08-27-98 17:30 Apointgr.po_ 13712 08-27-98 17:30 Apointit.po_ 12357 08-27-98 17:31 Apointjp.po_ 13656 08-27-98 17:31 Apointsp.po_ 13276 08-28-98 12:25 Apointus.po_ 95423 01-28-99 16:59 Apoint.dl_ 10657 07-23-98 00:32 Apwheel.ex_ 271872 03-25-99 13:01 ASETUP.EXE 10704 03-25-99 13:11 ASUSINST.EXE 135 03-25-99 13:37 ASUSINST.INI 23343 07-21-98 22:20 Ecapprop.dl_ 38036 08-24-98 16:37 Elprop.dl_ 19871 02-10-99 21:05 Ezauto.dl_ 95827 08-25-98 16:23 Ezcapt.ex_ 91304 08-19-98 11:19 Ezlaunch.dl_ 621 07-02-97 14:30 Logo.bm_ 4428 07-28-98 10:56 Readme_e.txt 4944 07-28-98 10:53 Readme_j.txt 92168 02-17-99 17:29 Uninstap.ex_ 10243 10-15-98 23:07 Vxdif.dl_ -------- ---- 933596 27 files

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