11 Mar 2025


UC-Logic Tablet WP6045(Win95/98/ME) Input Driver

Company: UC-Logic
Model: Tablet WP6045(Win95/98/ME)
Operating System:   (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: SPDrv403.exe


UC-Logic Tablet WP6045(Win95/98/ME) Driver.  
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 30 01-09-98 18:30 AUTORUN.INF 7376 07-29-02 17:18 SETUP.EXE 62667 05-26-98 20:02 SETUPEXT.EX_ 424 08-13-02 12:18 Setupext.w2k 1353 02-27-02 16:59 SETUPEXT.W31 420 08-13-02 12:19 Setupext.w95 424 08-13-02 12:19 Setupext.w98 424 08-13-02 12:19 Setupext.wnt 311296 08-27-02 16:42 Setupx32.ex_ 56 04-25-02 10:25 Common/DESK.scf 3000 08-20-02 11:32 Common/Driver.w2k 2629 08-20-02 11:33 Common/Driver.w95 2890 08-20-02 11:33 Common/Driver.w98 3852 08-20-02 11:33 Common/Driver.wnt 16237 08-20-02 11:29 Common/HotCells.inf 24576 05-30-02 13:33 Common/LHtool.exe 28672 07-04-00 15:37 Common/PLaunch.exe 30362 04-22-02 14:36 Common/Template.inf 49152 02-08-02 15:37 Common/TKey3325.exe 13608 01-28-97 19:42 DOS/UCTABLET.EXE 229376 05-28-02 13:32 Win9x/PCPANEL.CPL 20133 09-28-00 17:14 Win9x/sermou.vxd 24576 10-20-00 08:21 Win9x/setup.exe 56752 05-14-02 17:01 Win9x/TABLET.drv 17920 09-04-98 20:23 Win9x/TABLET32.DLL 14827 04-03-02 17:24 Win9x/TABLETEX.INF 6448 02-06-02 11:42 Win9x/UCINST.DLL 53248 07-17-02 12:27 Win9x/UCmfg.exe 22552 06-13-02 13:07 Win9x/UCTHID98.sys 20133 09-28-00 17:14 Win9x/VUCTBL.vxd 81920 05-14-02 11:36 Win9x/Wintab32.dll 8465 04-08-97 13:57 WIN31/HWCBK.DL_ 28246 10-06-97 16:08 WIN31/PCPANEL.EX_ 80450 11-05-98 18:11 WIN31/PENBOARD.EX_ 10432 07-04-97 10:12 WIN31/TABLET.DRV 4373 01-10-97 12:48 WIN31/VTABD.386 229376 05-28-02 13:32 WIN2000/PCPANEL.CPL 14866 05-29-02 17:38 WIN2000/TABLET2K.INF 45056 10-09-01 11:54 WIN2000/ucinst32.dll 53248 07-17-02 12:27 WIN2000/UCmfg.exe 114688 09-07-02 18:20 WIN2000/WinTab32.dll 28672 09-07-02 19:23 WIN2000/WService.exe 15370 06-13-00 14:32 WIN2000/DRIVERS/Tablet2k.sys 23106 09-07-02 19:25 WIN2000/DRIVERS/TClass2k.sys 10930 10-16-02 19:18 WIN2000/DRIVERS/UCTBLHID.SYS 40960 09-07-02 19:23 WIN2000/DRIVERS/WtSrv.exe 229376 05-28-02 13:32 WINNT/PCPANEL.CPL 21856 02-23-99 17:56 WINNT/TABLET.SYS 17920 09-04-98 20:23 WINNT/Tablet32.dll 26240 02-23-99 17:57 WINNT/TBLCLASS.SYS 90112 04-09-02 15:28 WINNT/WinTab32.dll 17920 07-17-01 17:38 WINNT/WService.exe 25600 07-17-01 18:44 WINNT/WTSRV.EXE -------- ---- 2244595 53 files

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