14 Mar 2025


Real Time Devices (RTD) Finland Oy DM6858HR Isolated Digital Input Board Input Driver

Company: Real Time Devices (RTD) Finland Oy
Model: DM6858HR Isolated Digital Input Board
Operating System:   (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: DM6858_DOS_WIN.ZIP


Real Time Devices (RTD) Finland Oy DM6858HR Isolated Digital Input Board Driver.  
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 10329 01-31-01 17:16 Dos/!exe/DREAD32.EXE 1892 01-31-01 17:16 Dos/DREAD32/DREAD32.CPP 5049 01-31-01 17:16 Dos/DREAD32/DREAD32.PRJ 639 01-30-01 18:20 Lib/DM6858io.h 28672 01-31-01 15:36 Samples/!Exe/DM6858console.exe 172032 06-21-01 17:52 Samples/!Exe/DM6858Test.exe 3986 01-31-01 15:36 Samples/console/DM6858console.cpp 4620 01-31-01 15:28 Samples/console/DM6858console.dsp 549 01-31-01 15:28 Samples/console/DM6858console.dsw 639 01-30-01 18:20 Samples/console/DM6858io.h 300 01-31-01 15:28 Samples/console/StdAfx.cpp 769 01-09-01 12:11 Samples/console/StdAfx.h 766 01-27-01 00:00 Samples/WinTest/res/dm6858.ICO 402 01-30-01 20:32 Samples/WinTest/res/DM6858Test.rc2 9238 03-29-01 19:32 Samples/WinTest/res/RTD.bmp 3058 06-21-01 17:49 Samples/WinTest/AboutDlg.cpp 1716 06-21-01 12:46 Samples/WinTest/AboutDlg.h 639 01-30-01 18:20 Samples/WinTest/DM6858io.h 2551 06-21-01 17:50 Samples/WinTest/DM6858Test.cpp 4655 06-21-01 17:51 Samples/WinTest/DM6858Test.dsp 543 01-30-01 20:21 Samples/WinTest/DM6858Test.dsw 1661 01-30-01 20:21 Samples/WinTest/DM6858Test.h 11385 06-21-01 17:52 Samples/WinTest/DM6858Test.rc 8655 06-21-01 17:50 Samples/WinTest/DM6858TestDlg.cpp 2383 01-30-01 22:14 Samples/WinTest/DM6858TestDlg.h 14928 01-08-01 15:59 Samples/WinTest/HyperLink.cpp 4424 01-08-01 16:20 Samples/WinTest/hyperlink.h 3032 06-21-01 17:46 Samples/WinTest/Resource.h 212 01-30-01 20:21 Samples/WinTest/StdAfx.cpp 999 12-25-00 17:27 Samples/WinTest/StdAfx.h 8436 02-01-01 18:24 Win95/DM68580.VXD 8436 02-01-01 18:24 Win95/DM68581.VXD 8436 02-01-01 18:24 Win95/DM68582.VXD 8436 02-01-01 18:24 Win95/DM68583.VXD 8436 02-01-01 18:24 Win95/DM68584.VXD 1848 10-19-01 12:26 Win95/OEMSETUP.INF 3477 10-19-01 12:27 Win98-2000/DM6858.inf 23693 01-31-01 19:09 Win98-2000/DM6858.sys 275344 06-21-01 17:55 WinNT/SetupNT.EXE 9784 10-19-01 13:44 DM6858HRapi.pdf 3275 08-07-01 18:36 license.txt -------- ---- 660324 41 files

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