12 Mar 2025


Microsoft RT9420 Input Driver

Company: Microsoft
Model: RT9420
Operating System: Windows 2000 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: ITP2_1EngNoMsi.exe


Microsoft RT9420 Driver. Found this archived on my hard disk after looking for an hour on the internet for a driver for my Microsoft Internet Keyboard Pro (Microsoft discontinued the model).

It works with Windows XP (I have it installed) so it should work with Windows 2000. The driver is old enough that it is likely to work with Windows 98 as well, but don't quote me on that.

If you have an Internet Keyboard Pro (and Windows XP), all your buttons will work with this driver, but you wont get the cool fade-in and fade-out of the volume control that Microsoft introduced with the newer drivers (that don't support this keyboard).

Does it work in Vista? I have no idea.

Hope this works for you though.

File Contents:
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