12 Mar 2025


Alps Electric Alps Touch Pad Input Driver

Company: Alps Electric
Model: Alps Touch Pad
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: AlpsA00.EXE


Alps Electric Alps Touch Pad Driver. Input Alps GlidePoint/StickPointer, Driver, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Multi Language, Inspiron 8200, Latitude C840, Precision M50, v. , A00

This Driver has been tested on a MICRON XKE. It solves several problems found in the "Tpa00wxp.exe" driver available in this "ALPS CHANNEL". It maintains "Pointer Options" after shutdown and reboot. It integrates perfectly with Microsoft USB IntelliMouse Optical V4.01 driver. It also has a better response time and added features previously unavailable.

This Driver is digitally signed.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 129732 11-17-01 12:52 setup.inx 54941 12-11-01 18:05 Apfiltr.sys 57344 03-13-01 00:39 ApInst.dll 32768 07-13-01 10:44 ApntEx.exe 512000 11-17-01 15:03 Apoint.dll 131072 11-06-01 13:32 Apoint.exe 38466 09-03-01 17:25 APOINTBP.POP 30759 09-04-01 13:45 APOINTCS.POP 30631 09-04-01 13:46 APOINTCT.POP 40413 09-04-01 13:46 APOINTFR.POP 40076 09-04-01 13:49 APOINTGR.POP 38106 09-04-01 13:46 APOINTJP.POP 36057 09-04-01 14:12 APOINTKR.POP 38741 09-04-01 14:13 APOINTSP.POP 39340 09-03-01 17:31 APOINTTH.POP 36247 07-09-01 15:45 APOINTUS.POP 758510 11-17-01 12:52 data1.cab 23923 11-17-01 12:52 data1.hdr 512 11-17-01 12:52 data2.cab 15920 10-29-96 00:00 Defsound.wav 102400 03-28-00 01:18 ELProp.dll 65536 09-13-01 09:29 ezauto.dll 147456 11-06-01 13:46 Ezcapt.exe 196608 11-06-01 13:03 EzLaunch.dll 15122 01-26-99 17:40 gesture.bmp 339565 10-06-00 02:11 ikernel.ex_ 422 11-17-01 12:52 layout.bin 139264 05-16-00 15:36 Setup.exe 225 03-12-01 13:55 Setup.ini 13345 12-11-01 18:09 Apfiltr.inf 542 03-13-01 00:48 setup.iss 155648 12-07-01 20:16 Uninstap.exe 68650 11-16-01 00:13 Vxdif.dll 16215 12-19-01 05:38 apfiltr.cat -------- ------- 3346556 34 files

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