12 Mar 2025


BTC 5213 Input Driver

Company: BTC
Model: 5213
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 5213.zip


BTC 5213 Driver. Keyboard Driver
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 233472 11-27-03 16:37 Files/Kmaestro.exe 40960 11-13-03 12:00 Files/KmRemove.exe 9984 01-29-03 17:15 Files/Maestro0.sys 10899 01-29-03 17:03 Files/Maestro0.VXD 7818 01-29-03 17:12 Files/Maestro1.sys 45155 02-18-04 10:47 Files/Translat.inc 28672 03-11-03 21:03 Files/WTS_KEY.EXE 7652 03-21-03 12:36 ps2win2k.cat 1654 01-27-03 12:02 Ps2win2k.inf 7237 03-21-03 12:36 ps2winme.cat 995 01-27-03 12:02 ps2winme.inf 7648 03-21-03 12:36 ps2winxp.cat 1652 01-27-03 12:02 Ps2winxp.inf 24576 07-19-02 21:29 RunSetup.dll 61440 12-04-03 15:54 SetupKey.exe 1147 05-05-00 09:02 Help/back.gif 893 05-27-02 11:22 Help/capslock.gif 1548 05-05-00 09:33 Help/email.gif 1139 05-05-00 09:02 Help/forward.gif 460 02-18-04 11:30 Help/help.htm 18754 02-23-04 10:32 Help/help_e.htm 885 05-27-02 11:22 Help/icon.GIF 1914 02-14-03 11:40 Help/icon2.gif 2317 08-26-03 16:13 Help/K_vol down.jpg 2657 08-26-03 16:14 Help/K_vol up.jpg 442 02-23-04 10:25 Help/language.htm 555 06-17-99 07:25 Help/lang_E2.gif 892 08-03-01 12:54 Help/numlock.gif 1610 07-08-99 01:57 Help/play.gif 892 08-03-01 12:53 Help/scrolock.gif 65 07-08-99 02:30 Help/stop.gif 1365 05-05-00 09:31 Help/webhome.gif 885 05-27-02 11:22 Readme/icon.GIF 431 02-23-04 11:10 Readme/language.htm 555 06-16-99 16:25 Readme/lang_E.gif 477 02-23-04 11:14 Readme/README.HTM 4224 02-23-04 11:13 Readme/Readme_E.htm 2165 12-10-02 18:47 Readme/remove.GIF -------- ---- 536086 38 files

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