12 Mar 2025


Micron NBK001775-00, Version 5.3.1103.3 Input Driver

Company: Micron
Model: NBK001775-00, Version 5.3.1103.3
Operating System: Windows 2000 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: NBK001775_2K_Touchpad_5_3_1103_3.exe


Micron NBK001775-00, Version 5.3.1103.3 Driver. Windows 2000 Alps Touchpad Utility for the TransPort X1000 notebook. (NBK001775-xx) Version 5.3.1103.3
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 44918 09-07-02 18:02 APOINTGR.POP 14325 09-07-02 18:02 APFILTR.INF 80126 09-07-02 18:02 APFILTR.SYS 57344 09-07-02 18:02 APINST.DLL 32768 09-07-02 18:02 APNTEX.EXE 548864 09-07-02 18:02 APOINT.DLL 135168 09-07-02 18:02 APOINT.EXE 35089 09-07-02 18:02 APOINTCS.POP 34567 09-07-02 18:02 APOINTCT.POP 45204 09-07-02 18:02 APOINTFR.POP 15565 03-05-03 03:00 APFILTR.CAT 40559 09-07-02 18:02 APOINTIT.POP 41231 09-07-02 18:02 APOINTJP.POP 38921 09-07-02 18:02 APOINTKR.POP 43358 09-07-02 18:02 APOINTSP.POP 41192 09-07-02 18:02 APOINTUS.POP 793088 09-07-02 18:02 DATA1.CAB 25676 09-07-02 18:02 DATA1.HDR 512 09-07-02 18:02 DATA2.CAB 102400 09-07-02 18:02 ELPROP.DLL 65536 09-07-02 18:02 EZAUTO.DLL 147456 09-07-02 18:02 EZCAPT.EXE 196608 09-07-02 18:02 EZLAUNCH.DLL 15122 09-07-02 18:02 GESTURE.BMP 339565 09-07-02 18:02 IKERNEL.EX_ 422 09-07-02 18:02 LAYOUT.BIN 2694 09-07-02 18:02 LOGO.BMP 2889 09-07-02 18:02 README_E.TXT 3803 09-07-02 18:02 README_J.TXT 139264 09-07-02 18:02 SETUP.EXE 245 09-07-02 18:02 SETUP.INI 129886 09-07-02 18:02 SETUP.INX 535 09-07-02 18:02 SETUP.ISS 167936 09-07-02 18:02 UNINSTAP.EXE 69382 09-07-02 18:02 VXDIF.DLL 4260 03-28-02 17:57 pcidumpr.sys 824320 12-19-02 15:19 Install.exe 2668 04-11-03 08:57 Install.ini 39115 10-09-00 16:40 devnode.exe -------- ---- 4322581 39 files

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