12 Mar 2025


Micro Innovations Browser Mouse Input Driver

Company: Micro Innovations
Model: Browser Mouse
Operating System: Windows 95 & Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: microino.zip


Micro Innovations Browser Mouse Driver. Micro Innovations driver was packaged with the mouse when purchased.

Has driver for DOS, WIN 3.1x/95/98 and Browser Driver for WIN 95/98, NT 3.51/4.0.

Unzip and see readme file for more info.

Mouse has two buttons w/blue wheel in center.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 0 08-31-99 10:45 DOS/ 20087 08-31-99 10:25 DOS/DOSINST.EXE 34747 08-31-99 10:25 DOS/MOUSE.COM 34999 08-31-99 10:25 DOS/MOUSE.SYS 18389 08-31-99 10:25 DOS/TEST.EXE 0 08-31-99 10:45 WIN31/ 16010 08-31-99 10:25 WIN31/MOUSEN.DRV 561 08-31-99 10:25 WIN31/OEMSETUP.INF 0 08-31-99 10:46 WIN95/ 18284 08-31-99 10:25 WIN95/CMOUSE.VXD 3139 08-31-99 10:25 WIN95/95MOUSE.INF 0 08-31-99 10:46 WIN98/ 10291 08-31-99 10:25 WIN98/CMOUHID.VXD 5260 08-31-99 10:25 WIN98/98MOUSE.INF 18284 08-31-99 10:25 WIN98/CMOUSE.VXD 0 08-31-99 10:46 WINNT/ 43456 08-31-99 10:25 WINNT/C8042PRT.SYS 24096 08-31-99 10:25 WINNT/CHSERMOU.SYS 6701 08-31-99 10:25 WINNT/NTMOUSE.INF 23324 08-31-99 10:25 WINNT/OEMSETUP.INF 296674 08-31-99 10:25 _INST32I.EX_ 8704 08-31-99 10:25 _ISDEL.EXE 11264 08-31-99 10:25 _SETUP.DLL 61440 08-31-99 10:25 _SETUP32.EXE 175466 08-31-99 10:25 _SYS1.CAB 3905 08-31-99 10:25 _SYS1.HDR 55387 08-31-99 10:25 _USER1.CAB 4588 08-31-99 10:25 _USER1.HDR 108 08-31-99 10:25 DATA.TAG 205371 08-31-99 10:25 DATA1.CAB 3586 08-31-99 10:25 DATA1.HDR 49 08-31-99 10:25 DOSINST.BAT 23541 08-31-99 10:25 LANG.DAT 672 08-31-99 10:25 LAYOUT.BIN 450 08-31-99 10:25 OS.DAT 15240 08-31-99 10:25 README.TXT 11584 08-31-99 10:25 SETUP.EXE 96 08-31-99 10:25 SETUP.INI 67292 08-31-99 10:25 SETUP.INS 49 08-31-99 10:25 SETUP.LID 6512 08-31-99 10:25 SETUP3X.DLL 622 08-31-99 10:25 SETUPM.INI -------- ------- 1230228 42 files

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