12 Mar 2025


Primax Rainbow Mouse, Version 2.6 Input Driver

Company: Primax
Model: Rainbow Mouse, Version 2.6
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: suit26r1.exe


Primax Rainbow Mouse, Version 2.6 Driver. In this update the following issues were fixed or added:

- Erratic movement of the mousepointer in Windows 98 has been fixed.

- Hyperclick function is enabled. (this function only works when your giftbox carried the "hyperclick" lable)

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 3760 06-19-98 11:52 Pmouse.inf 7782 06-18-98 20:14 PMOUSE.VXD 6800 07-22-97 10:11 TUTOR.EXE 24012 10-15-93 09:20 TEST.EXE 545 12-30-97 18:34 SETUP95.INI 766 12-30-97 18:34 Setup.ini 165120 10-06-97 01:03 setup.exe 4904 10-02-97 15:30 README.TXT 7368 06-19-98 14:32 PS2MOUSE.VXD 14334 08-19-96 12:48 PRIMAX95.HLP 7390 06-19-98 11:33 pnpmouse.vxd 144608 08-15-97 17:04 PMUninst.exe 7552 09-18-97 21:10 PMOUSES3.DRV 13935 07-30-96 14:11 PMOUSES3.386 62848 08-04-97 16:02 PMOUSED.EXE 114688 10-02-97 17:25 pmouse.exe 82944 07-04-97 16:44 pmcplx2.dll 82432 10-01-97 12:46 pmcplx.dll 132 10-06-97 16:54 OEMSETUP.INF 1405 07-22-97 10:11 MOUSE.INI 5363 09-04-97 20:26 LISEZMOI.TXT 5526 09-04-97 20:25 LIESMICH.TXT 5616 09-04-97 20:25 LEGGIMI.TXT 5383 09-04-97 20:25 LEESME.TXT 5191 09-04-97 20:25 LEAME.TXT 7280 07-22-97 10:11 INSTALL.EXE 57158 07-22-97 10:11 IMOUSE.COM 6674 05-08-96 01:56 FROG.WAV 27170 07-23-97 18:11 dosmouse.txt -------- ---- 878686 29 files

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