11 Mar 2025


Sony Electronics PCVA-KB7p/u internet keyboard Input Driver

Company: Sony Electronics
Model: PCVA-KB7p/u internet keyboard
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: SONYHotKey.rar


Sony Electronics PCVA-KB7p/u internet keyboard Driver. The PCVA-KB7p/u keyboard came with certain Sony laptop models

This is the hot keys driver for that keyboard.

File size: 3175 KB.

File name: SONYHotKey.rar

Unzip to a temp folder. You will then have 3 folders. Each folder contains a setup.exe to launch the install program. You may have to try them all to find one that works. The version.txt file in each folder contains the driver version. Sorry, but I had no details to work with.

File Contents:
No file content information available at this time.

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