12 Mar 2025


Other Companies Medion MD9570 Input Driver

Company: Other Companies
Model: Medion MD9570
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: gtbmd9570win9xp.exe


Other Companies Medion MD9570 Driver.  
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 2924 09-20-01 10:40 USB/AIPTBL.INI 114 09-20-01 04:26 USB/DATA.TAG 49152 04-10-01 10:43 USB/FindUSB.exe 60416 09-20-01 04:26 USB/SETUP.EXE 48 09-20-01 04:26 USB/SETUP.INI 4131 09-20-01 04:30 USB/Usbtblt.ini 290733 09-20-01 04:26 USB/_INST32I.EX_ 8704 09-20-01 04:26 USB/_ISDEL.EXE 1766513 09-20-01 04:26 USB/_sys1.cab 55721 09-20-01 04:26 USB/_user1.cab 797820 09-20-01 04:26 USB/data1.cab 4525 09-20-01 04:26 USB/lang.dat 334 09-20-01 04:26 USB/layout.bin 417 09-20-01 04:26 USB/os.dat 60745 09-20-01 04:26 USB/setup.ins 161 09-20-01 04:26 USB/setup.lid 12084 05-23-01 11:42 USB/utblfilt.sys 11264 09-20-01 04:26 USB/setupdir/0007/_setup.dll 11776 09-20-01 04:26 USB/setupdir/0008/_SETUP.DLL 11264 09-20-01 04:26 USB/setupdir/0009/_SETUP.DLL 11776 09-20-01 04:26 USB/setupdir/000a/_setup.dll 11776 09-20-01 04:26 USB/setupdir/0010/_SETUP.DLL 11776 09-20-01 04:26 USB/setupdir/0011/_setup.dll 11264 09-20-01 04:26 USB/setupdir/0013/_SETUP.DLL 11264 09-20-01 04:26 USB/setupdir/0404/_SETUP.DLL 11264 09-20-01 04:26 USB/setupdir/040c/_setup.dll 11264 09-20-01 04:26 USB/setupdir/0804/_setup.dll 11264 09-20-01 04:26 USB/setupdir/0816/_SETUP.DLL 802 09-20-01 12:23 setup.ini 3126 08-17-01 05:03 PI5.BMP 4158 07-13-01 08:48 Pdf.bmp 3726 07-13-01 06:14 FreeNotes.bmp -------- ---- 3252306 32 files

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