13 Mar 2025


Lifeview Oregon Scientific NC-100 Input Driver

Company: Lifeview
Model: Oregon Scientific NC-100
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: Lr65-3.4.zip


Lifeview Oregon Scientific NC-100 Driver. THis driver is actuly desined for the Capview Capture Device but it also works rather well with this web cam all you need to do is plug in the webcam and install the drivers its as easy as that

please note it will not work if u have a exiting life-view device installed in ur system

thank you

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 38110 11-27-01 01:00 6620.SET 38092 11-27-01 01:00 6620P.SET 37477 11-27-01 01:00 6630.SET 38703 11-27-01 01:00 6630AD.SET 38671 11-27-01 01:00 6630ADP.SET 37445 11-27-01 01:00 6630P.SET 52957 11-27-01 01:00 7610.SET 52978 11-27-01 01:00 7610P.SET 55064 11-27-01 01:00 7620.SET 55895 11-27-01 01:00 7620AE.SET 53349 11-27-01 01:00 7620AEP.SET 52339 11-27-01 01:00 7620P.SET 38213 11-27-01 01:00 76BE.SET 45513 11-27-01 01:00 8600.SET 43057 11-27-01 01:00 8600P.SET 35375 11-27-01 01:00 CUSTOM.SET 32725 11-27-01 01:00 CUSTOMP.SET 1442 11-27-01 01:00 DEFAULT.SR_ 37589 11-27-01 01:00 DIBAPI32.DL_ 6594 03-04-02 21:00 FLYPLAY.EX_ 185139 11-27-01 01:00 IJL15.DL_ 55143 11-27-01 01:00 OMCAMCAP.EX_ 35857 11-27-01 01:00 OMCAMDIB.DL_ 14301 11-27-01 01:00 OMCAMEXT.AX_ 16931 11-27-01 01:00 OMCAMEXT.DL_ 79200 11-27-01 01:00 OMCAMTWN.DS_ 10689 11-27-01 01:00 OMCAMUSD.DL_ 98373 11-27-01 01:00 OMCAMVID.NT_ 117397 11-27-01 01:00 OMCAMVID.SY_ 16448 11-27-01 01:00 OMNIUNS.EX_ 54993 11-27-01 01:00 OMSCANDS.DS_ 274432 03-10-02 01:00 omxp_uns.exe 17528 11-27-01 01:00 OVTCAMD.NT_ 23016 11-27-01 01:00 OVTCAMD.SY_ 129850 11-27-01 01:00 OVTEXT.DL_ 11681 11-27-01 01:00 SCANSAVE.EX_ 503808 05-31-02 17:32 Setup.exe 5507 11-27-01 01:00 TWACKER.IN_ 215228 03-12-02 01:00 USB_UNS.EX_ 589255 11-27-01 01:00 USBCAM.CH_ 576419 11-27-01 01:00 USBCAM.EN_ 253950 03-13-02 01:00 USBCAM.EX_ 557286 11-27-01 01:00 USBCAM.GE_ 12151 03-13-02 01:00 USB-CAM.INF 78468 11-27-01 01:00 USBCAM.JA_ 581001 11-27-01 01:00 USBCAM.PO_ 572757 11-27-01 01:00 USBCAM.SP_ 16895 11-27-01 01:00 WDMUSER.DL_ -------- ---- 5895291 48 files

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