3 Mar 2025


Saitek R4 FF Wheel & Wheel Input Driver

Company: Saitek
Model: R4 FF Wheel & Wheel
Operating System: Windows 95 & Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: saitekWheels.zip


Saitek R4 FF Wheel & Wheel Driver. Saitek Force Feedback Racing Whell

HERE IS IT!!!!!! For you all and the other that search it for long time (like me)!!

No word about it on the Saitek site!!

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 37136 04-24-98 00:00 deu/REGSVR32.EXE 208896 08-27-98 14:50 deu/SAIEFCT2.DLL 270336 09-09-98 11:36 deu/saiffcpl.dll 8608 09-04-98 15:02 deu/saiffwhl.reg 15425 08-27-98 14:50 deu/SAIFFWHL.VXD 8882 08-27-98 14:49 deu/SAIFORCE.VXD 21691 09-07-98 11:30 deu/SAIGAME.VXD 6168 08-27-98 14:50 deu/SAIIO.VXD 3938 09-03-98 12:24 deu/saiwheel.inf 16591 09-04-98 12:59 deu/SAIWHEEL.VXD 0 06-08-00 00:00 deu/ 37136 04-24-98 00:00 enu/REGSVR32.EXE 208896 08-27-98 14:50 enu/SAIEFCT2.DLL 270336 09-09-98 11:36 enu/saiffcpl.dll 8608 09-04-98 15:02 enu/saiffwhl.reg 15425 08-27-98 14:50 enu/SAIFFWHL.VXD 8882 08-27-98 14:49 enu/SAIFORCE.VXD 21691 09-07-98 11:30 enu/SAIGAME.VXD 6168 08-27-98 14:50 enu/SAIIO.VXD 4062 09-04-98 12:39 enu/saiwheel.inf 16591 09-04-98 12:59 enu/SAIWHEEL.VXD 0 06-08-00 00:00 enu/ 37136 04-24-98 00:00 esp/REGSVR32.EXE 208896 08-27-98 14:50 esp/SAIEFCT2.DLL 270336 09-09-98 11:36 esp/saiffcpl.dll 8608 09-04-98 15:02 esp/saiffwhl.reg 15425 08-27-98 14:50 esp/SAIFFWHL.VXD 8882 08-27-98 14:49 esp/SAIFORCE.VXD 21691 09-07-98 11:30 esp/SAIGAME.VXD 6168 08-27-98 14:50 esp/SAIIO.VXD 4242 09-03-98 12:27 esp/saiwheel.inf 16591 09-04-98 12:59 esp/SAIWHEEL.VXD 0 06-08-00 00:00 esp/ 37136 04-24-98 00:00 fra/REGSVR32.EXE 208896 08-27-98 14:50 fra/SAIEFCT2.DLL 270336 09-09-98 11:36 fra/saiffcpl.dll 8608 09-04-98 15:02 fra/saiffwhl.reg 15425 08-27-98 14:50 fra/SAIFFWHL.VXD 8882 08-27-98 14:49 fra/SAIFORCE.VXD 21691 09-07-98 11:30 fra/SAIGAME.VXD 6168 08-27-98 14:50 fra/SAIIO.VXD 4149 09-03-98 12:20 fra/saiwheel.inf 16591 09-04-98 12:59 fra/SAIWHEEL.VXD 0 06-08-00 00:00 fra/ 37136 04-24-98 00:00 ita/REGSVR32.EXE 208896 08-27-98 14:50 ita/SAIEFCT2.DLL 270336 09-09-98 11:36 ita/saiffcpl.dll 8608 09-04-98 15:02 ita/saiffwhl.reg 15425 08-27-98 14:50 ita/SAIFFWHL.VXD 8882 08-27-98 14:49 ita/SAIFORCE.VXD 21691 09-07-98 11:30 ita/SAIGAME.VXD 6168 08-27-98 14:50 ita/SAIIO.VXD 4152 09-03-98 12:25 ita/saiwheel.inf 16591 09-04-98 12:59 ita/SAIWHEEL.VXD 0 06-08-00 00:00 ita/ -------- ------- 2989208 55 files

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